

Friday, February 24, 2012

Out of Towners = Happy Babies!

Family is the BEST! Especially when they are visiting from out of town and all they want to do is play with your children. DREAM LIFE!

#1 baby whisperer will ALWAYS be my Pops. He is every baby’s favorite snuggler and every toddler's favorite tickler!



As I’ve written on several previous posts, Auntie Molly is ALWAYS a fan favorite with the Argenal kidlets. Who can resist her constant giggling and that GORGEOUS, WARM SMILE! Auntie Molly = Kid Magnet.


And the baby whispering does not SKIP generations in this fam. Emily, how soon can you start babysitting? I think she still has a few more years! Darn it.

(Bo just came running up to me, saw this pic below as I’m typing up this blog and yelled, “EMILY! EMILY! I miss Emily!)


And who better to entertain a baby then a fellow baby…a mischievous red-headed cousin who loves Acey’s chubby fingers.



And yes, redheads by birth or bottle…always have more fun!


And just as a little sidenote…we went dress shopping for the newly engaged Auntie Molly and it was SO MUCH FUN and YES, WE FOUND THE DRESS!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Recap of Niner’s Loss: Baby Style

“Why is everyone screaming: “NOOOOO!?” “Wait, the NINERS LOST? Are you kidding me? No SUPERBOWL, Momma?”


Less than two seconds later:
“Oh cool. Look at this.”


Friday, February 10, 2012

6 Months of Baby Blue Bliss!

Acey was very serious during our little impromptu “you’re-6-months-old-today!” photo-op. He could not stop staring at the camera string. I couldn’t entice any smiles from this serious cherub.


But the award still goes to my little half-b-day boy for EASIEST BABY EVER!

These past six months have been so special and also so different because A.)  you know what to expect the second time around, and B.) BO DOMINATES EVERY HOUR HE IS AWAKE!

So almost everyday when Bo naps and Acey is awake, I try to spend some silly laughing time with him! The spotlight is rarely on this good-natured sweetie pie..but don’t worry, Acey, I’m noticing and loving your milestones everyday!

And he’s also a little hard to miss…


Stats and Facts:

Tall at 28.5 inches (98%) and 19lbs (75%)!

He sleeps like a rockstar. He is eating food like a champ (STUNNING, I know). Fresh food I might add since I’m not working (outside the home) this time around. So Ace scores with baked sweet potatoes and steamed carrots rather than the Gerber singles Bo got!


He LOVES his Dada! Every time that Gus gets home Acey laughs and smiles. He knows Gus really well which is so sweet considering how much Dad has been on the road. But, thankfully, Gus is a SUPER DAD who is always playing with them any chance he gets! (Yes, Gus, you are AMAZING!)


And Ace has a true SUPER BOUNCE in the bouncer. Seriously, though…one, two, three lil’ bounces and then we get a SUPER BOUNCE! And yes, secretly Gus and I are both hoping he has some Turner hops. : ) And yes, we are RIDICULOUS.


All in All, though, he is just a good ol’ boy trying to make it in a very Bo-ish world.


Most of the time Bo’s world brings Ace squeals and laughter, but sometimes I see that Bo may also have a bright future as a prison guard or professional torturer…


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our New Home: North Natomas

We just purchased our first California home and we are in LOVE. It’s very roomy (Come Visit), is in walking distance to shopping and restaurants (Stroller Moms!), and there is a park and clubhouse/gym/pool(YEAH-ER!) just steps from our house. We couldn’t be happier. Natomas turned out to be a great living option for us; I am closer to my family and Gus has a quick 20-25 minute commute.


Added Bonus: PINK BATHROOM! Yikes.IMG_7623


Because Ace can’t quite hold a paint brush, he pointed out all the spots I missed…

Even though Bo and Ace have an even better playroom now, they still want to romp around in Momma and Daddy’s room. SHOCKER!


And congrats to Acey for mastering the Sit-up! Claps all around, you lil’ cherub!IMG_7608