

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

This sweet toddler is the most affectionate lil’ man…


and he’s always ready to pucker those lips and plant one on me.


But then seconds later, he also has the ability to land a giant sucker punch to my eye with a log…


Which by the way, hurt like bloody hell (yes, it hurt so bad that I became British just now) and I had a LEGIT black eye for over a month.

I officially have a Sour Patch kid.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Diggin’ with Daddy

Bo has become a Jr. Paleontologist and he means business. His current obsession is all things Dinosaur and their elusive bones. Many of which he will tell you, come from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia (thanks, Netflix!).

So Nana sent the boys some very cool fossil packages in the mail and on Sunday, we had a very lucrative family dig.






And on Monday, we took the fossils that we uncovered and traded them at the Zoo’s “Naturally Wild Swap Shop” where you can trade in all sorts of organic treasures for actual animal bones!


Bo not only left with a raccoon skull (T-Rex skull), a fish vertebra (triceratops spine) and random animal ribs (legs from Oviraptors), but he also got to pet Peter Rabbit! Lucky kid.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Flat Tire Adventure

Thanks goodness for AAA and inquisitive, adventurous kids. I was already having a stressful stay-at-home-mom kind of day to the point that we were resorting to Taco Bell for lunch, and then we got a flat tire in the drive-thru! Ok, ok, Taco Bell is one of my vices, and something I would never have to “resort” to. However, I was BEYOND annoyed that we were stranded, but the boys LOVED every minute of it.



And while we waited for the tech to change the tire, we went on a little walk and stumbled upon a kumquat tree and wow, you’d think we were playing with monkeys in Costa Rica. Bo and Ace were so fired up that they could EAT, actually EAT stuff they were picking off a tree. It was so cute, because Bo kept holding the branch down for Ace so he could pull off fruit himself. And of course, Ace would only eat the fruit that he pulled off “all by myself.”


These boys sometimes often make my life seem so CHAOTIC, because they literally fight daily over the most ridiculous toys, household items, sticks, tupperware, laundry, garbage….the list goes on and on. BUT, there are so many times when their pure, unfiltered laughter melts away my adult-world stress, because I can’t help but laugh along. I love my job.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Final Four–Atlanta Style!

Atlanta WOWED me. Both Gus and I had an unbelievable time in this very urban, fashionable, artsy, and very lively city! Plus, it was final four weekend, and the mayhem of famous coaches, crazed fans and everyone in-between is truly a spectacle worth embracing at least once in your lifetime.



We experienced some hilarious nights on the town with the future newlyweds, Justin and Suzanne.


And we WALKED and WALKED all over downtown and then some, and fell in love with Atlanta! This is the COOLEST kids’ play-scape, right?


We got in some MUCH-MISSED alone time.


And some AWESOME SIL time!


And on Sunday afternoon, we walked to Inman Park, which is the first suburb of Atlanta, and the brunch scene was LIVELY say the least. We had the BEST, the ABSOLUTE best breakfast. And the people watching was too much fun!


But, then, for dinner that night, Alma Cocina, in downtown Atlanta, was possibly the best dinner we’ve ever had. I am not a foodie, but after our Sunday meals, I don’t know why I’m not?!


Our parents-only vacation was LONG overdue, and so much more fun than we could even imagine. But on the 3rd day, I was missing my guys. Apparently, they were too busy sipping pink lemonade and wearing costumes with Papa to notice we were gone.


But Poppa and Nana got in some amazing bonding time with their grandkids, and it means so much to us that they took off work and flew across the country to be with them! The boys had such a great time, though Nana and Papa were most likely EXHAUSTED by day 2. Thanks so much for making our vacation possible. Gus Sr. and Ger Bear, you are so loved, and your time means so much.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter 2013!

It was a rainy weekend, so we did a quick impromptu backyard hunt.



Bo was AGGRESSIVELY enthusiastic…SHOCKER.


Ace was initially confused, but as usual, copied his big bro and got the hang of it quick!








Cheers to a wet, but warm SPRING! We HEART Houston.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bayou Bend Gardens

My friend Jenny and I went on a LONG (too long) stroller run with 4 kids. Not only did we get to smell Guano under a bridge that houses “the largest urban, non-migrating, bat colony in Texas” (STINKY) but we impulsively crossed a beautiful single-lane bridge and ended up on a Garden tour…



The best part of all? Bo became the most focused and enthusiastic 3 year old tour guide to ever walk the gardens; he may have just been putting on a show for his buddy Greg. Either way, Bo was mapping out the entire tour and held on to that precious folded paper the entire day.



Miles later, but almost to the car, I made Bo hop out to take a quick pic of this AWESOME sculpture. Has he been secretly watching America’s Next Top Model?
And of course, the map, is still in his clutches!


This random adventure was fulfilling and EXHAUSTING, but Bo’s infectious enthusiasm for tactile learning made it FUN and totally memorable. Also, the gardens are gorgeous and worth a trip:
