

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Coach Argenal’s 6th Man

I must give a shout out to the best 6th man team around. Family, friends, past players, and even old co-workers ventured into Pioneer territory this season to cheer on Gus in his first year.








And who can forget his two biggest fans?


Gus is so lucky to have such a powerful and loving 6th man behind him! Go Pioneers!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine’s Flash Back

V-day 12 years ago was our very first date. Gus took me to Barnes and Nobles (pic below) while we waited for our reservation at Bandera. I remember it like yesterday. It makes me literally laugh out loud to think about how young we were and how much fun we had that night.


We have a lot more wrinkles now, and I have way more gray hair (Gus only has 1 or 2, unfair!), but every memory we have was built upon that first date. February 14th is a day perhaps more important (albeit cheesy) than any other day of our lives. Thankful for every single day with Gus since. Cheers to all of us that have found a forever love!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bo Knows Preschool

Two different Preschools in one year? No problem. This boy was FIRED UP to say the least about his new school in Pleasanton and especially for the new friends he would meet.


Nevermind my giant thumb in the left corner, but this pic perfectly conveys the enthusiasm this boy has for learning and his fearlessness of new social situations. Bo knows how to make this change easy on his parents, though, we both still cried!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Later, Hayward

Its no secret to anyone who’s talked with me about Hayward, that it wasn’t a good fit for our young family.  After scouring the east bay, I quickly fell in love with Pleasanton and we actually found something available right away. The only problem? It was right in the middle of season…so I called on the strongest women I know, some tireless Turners.

Though Katels isn’t in this pic, she equally helped out, and even Reece and Capri joined the chaotic moving party. Momma and Katels, you are simply the BEST. And Momma, I can’t stop laughing about the mattress.


Before Gus arrived in the bay after a grueling double loss roadtrip, we had the family sign up (compliments of Suzanne and Justin), the furniture laid out and even a few boxes emptied in our new Townhouse in downtown P-Town.



I had to include this little pic on our last morning in Hayward. One of the things we did all love were all the deer that visited us daily, and it looks like they came one last time to say goodbye.


So we surprised Gus when he arrived back to the Hayward house ready to move in the pouring rain, and instead he found the house sparkling clean and empty. I couldn’t have done it without my amazing family of strong, selfless women and some very generous Mormon Missionaries (new neighbors who saw us unloading and offered help)!!! It was way harder than we could’ve imagined and we were EXHAUSTED to say the least, but Gus’s utter SHOCK and sincere appreciation made it all worth it.

Now it’s time to hit up the hot tub; apartment living has it’s perks!