

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bo the Builder!

Mimi bought Bo an AMAZING art easel for Christmas. As every parent knows, you must spread out all the wonderful gifts your child gets and even hide them away from-time-to-time to keep your child's interest! Maybe that's why Gus goes on so many road trips?

ANYWAY, I decided it was time to put it up, and boy, did I get some help!
My lil' builder was ON IT!

"Bo Knows" Art!

Thanks, Mimi!!! I love my new art easel soooo much!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Clink Celebration!

Courtney and her boys invited us over for dinner and a radio game (Go Wildcats!) for the last season game! Dads were taking on the SF Gators and we joined forces to support.

After a delish dinner and 4 spoonfuls of cookie dough to cleanse the palates (each) we all camped in the office! Trying to listen to the game with Clink Crazies and Bustlin' Bobo commentating in the background was painful, so story-time became a must!

Those Clink Crazies are the sweetest kids! They LOVE Bo and try so hard to make him happy. I've never been around such sweet boys. Bo is so lucky. : )

And though we did suffer a loss to the Gators on Friday, we had two reasons to celebrate with the Clinks the next night! 1. Wildcats made the playoffs and 2. Greg Clink turned 40!


After "the best steak I've ever had" celebration dinner at 5th Street, we spent the rest of the evening at Joe's bar laughing and having a fabulous, much-needed night out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Down and Out Bo-Bo

My first week of mommyhood full-time (since maternity leave) couldn't have come at a better time. Poor lil' Bo-Bo was feverish, fussy, snotty and sleepy for 4 straight days. Simply put, my lil' man was DOWN and OUT. He and Mom just snuggled all day and watched a lot of Thomas the Train, Sesame Street and Special Agent Oso. Was it painful, yes? Worth it? Absolutely!

There were a few bright spots, including a visit from Nana and Pops!

And finally on our 4th day, we had just enough sun and just enough winter warmth to venture on a little stroll downtown. After eating no breakfast...again, Bo devoured his Jamba Juice and it brought Mom to tears. Tears?!! A little overboard, yes, but when your lil guy doesn't eat, you just feel horrible!!!

I acutally should've started my tearing-up about 20 minutes later at Rite Aid when Bo spilled his Jamba Juice ALL OVER the stroller, and I dripped it ALL OVER the store before he said, "Uh-Oh, MOMMA!" I almost took a picture, and then I got self conscious that onlookers would think I was a freak for snapping before mopping!

So today, my lil guy was back to being "Bobies," "Bonkies," and "Bo-Bop;" he was just having the time of his life and feeling like a new man!!!

And that's when I saw them!!! The new chompers! I should've known he was teething after my experience the past year of those nagging symptoms.

So my "down and out" Bobo, had to pay the price as his teeth came "down and out" to join the party. It's a painful price to pay, but this toddler can't complain...have you seen this kid eat?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Boys' Day at the Park...

After a long road-trip for Dad, we met him at the airport and spent a lazy Sunday with the Van horns. We started the day off with a Boys' trip to the local preschool park. Everything is mini-sized, so there are no worries of tumbles or falls!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monkeying Around with Auntie and Mimi!

With Dad gone on a Wildcat road trip, Bo and I decided to head down to the valley to see some of his favorite peeps!

We headed down to the Sacramento Zoo for the afternoon after eating an AMAZING burger and fries at Taylor's in my old hometown of Loomis. BEST HOMEMADE SHAKE EVER!

By far his favorite animal was the giraffe! He could not get over their long tongues and he wouldn't stop sticking his out all weekend.

Like the BOY that he is, he was having the most fun running away from us, dancing for the animals and jumping off ledges!

We finally found the chimps and Bo was literally a few feet away from these cool monkeys! Unfortunately, Bo started to bang on the wall and got a HUGE snarl from the snacking chimp! Bo definitely needs to learn some Zoo etiquette, but he did get to hug the wooden, non teeth-baring one.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bo's First Hike

Usually around this time of year in the dreariness of winter, I start to LOATHE Northern California. BUT due to the recent amazing February weather, we were able to take a beautiful hike in Upper Bidwell Park; I was reminded why I love Chico so much. Chico literally provides thousands of acres of open parkland within minutes of our house. On a sunny day like this when Dad is home between two long road trips, we had to take advantage. Plus, it was about time for Bo to embrace his first hike!

He was absolutely mesmermized by this giant pine cone and he loved throwing "food" (mmmm...yummy rotten sticks!) t0 the "quack, quacks."

He was often unaware that he had parents and would wander FAR until he would look back with this guilty grin!

An incredible 1st hike for our lil' man ended with one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen!

We still love you, NorCal. : )

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super-Party-Bowl Sunday!

Bo had a PARTY-packed superbowl Sunday! His day started at Kayleigh's (friend from daycare) third birthday party which was held at a local gymnastics facility. SO MUCH FUN!

A future in dance?

Not quite.

As usual, he was the youngest romper out of the group, but he did a great job chasing around the older kids and attempting the obstacle course.

This Willis-Wantabe would not get out of the ball bin!!!! He was crazy over it.

It was so much fun watching my miniature little man pretending to be a 2 yr old.

Half-time, PLEASE!
Bo was verging on the brink of KIDDO-SLEEP-DEPRIVED-KWAZINESS. His 4am wake-up finally hit him HARD, but Mom even harder. But alas, he kept those eyes open all the way to the Clinks. Mom, on the other hand, may have nodded off in the car...and I think I was driving.

KIDDING. It was only a few miles away, otherwise Gus wouldn't have let me behind the wheel. : )

After a long 3 hr nap, he was rearing to go with Tyler, Ryan, and Justin. They also had a shirtless dance-party. Bo loves to show off his belly.
Who's raising this kid, anyway?

We had a great time and have to give a HUGE thanks to our wonderful hosts!
Best cookie brownies ever. Good job, Court and Greg!