

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bo's Bestie

For those of you that know Hannah and Gus well, you have witnessed us be competitive with each other over ridiculous and childish things. The fact that we think almost everything is funny prevents this silly competition from ever becoming too serious. So only truly immature parents like us would rub it in when Bo decides who his favorite parent of the week is.

This week, Bo's bestie build forts, has wrestling matches, and spa "swimming lessons"... sometimes all in one night!

To be perfectly honestly, I love it when the Boy's club dominates our house! Gus becomes insta-Dad-of-the-Year when he gets home from work until Bo's bedtime. They are truly best friends and it's absolutely precious! Do I ever feel left out?
NEVER! Why not?

Because I know I'm Bo's favorite. heehee.
Ok, ok, it did bother me once the other day when I tried to join in on couch story-time and Bo said, "No, No, Mama...Bye Bye!" That lil' stinker!

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