

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Flat Tire Adventure

Thanks goodness for AAA and inquisitive, adventurous kids. I was already having a stressful stay-at-home-mom kind of day to the point that we were resorting to Taco Bell for lunch, and then we got a flat tire in the drive-thru! Ok, ok, Taco Bell is one of my vices, and something I would never have to “resort” to. However, I was BEYOND annoyed that we were stranded, but the boys LOVED every minute of it.



And while we waited for the tech to change the tire, we went on a little walk and stumbled upon a kumquat tree and wow, you’d think we were playing with monkeys in Costa Rica. Bo and Ace were so fired up that they could EAT, actually EAT stuff they were picking off a tree. It was so cute, because Bo kept holding the branch down for Ace so he could pull off fruit himself. And of course, Ace would only eat the fruit that he pulled off “all by myself.”


These boys sometimes often make my life seem so CHAOTIC, because they literally fight daily over the most ridiculous toys, household items, sticks, tupperware, laundry, garbage….the list goes on and on. BUT, there are so many times when their pure, unfiltered laughter melts away my adult-world stress, because I can’t help but laugh along. I love my job.


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