

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A 2 Year Old in Sun River!

We had to keep our tradition going of cupcakes in the morning, and Acey was all over it with his big two-year-old sweet tooth.




Acey, you are the most VERBAL 2-year-old I’ve ever met, and you definitely have a competitive spirit that knows what it wants. You still LOVE balls and always want to play catch or shoot; you have a CANNON throw. You absolutely adore Bo, and want to shadow his every move (Bo is learning patience is a virtue), but you are also very cautious of new people and it takes a long time for you to trust them.

You are still learning how to share and follow the rules, but you remember to say “Thank You” almost all the time.  Your heart is SO SO SO big; you remind me so much of your Daddy!!! You just love to be hugged, snuggled, kissed, cuddled and spoiled with affection. You are so aware of Mommy’s feelings and you tell me you love me everyday. IT FILLS UP MY SOUL. You are a blessing.

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