

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baby Blues...

Being sick is no fun....

But this means snuggle and T.V. time with Daddy while watching Coach Ehsan and the Terps dominate!

But Pops and Nana came to save the day! Bo was so so so excited when he saw Nana at the door eventhough he hadn't seen her in awhile. Those two truly have a special bond that won't be broken by time or distance. : ) We miss them already!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Your Future is Bright My Child...

I can eat all by myself...

I can drink without your help...

On, Off...On, Off...

No Hands!

Point, Point, etc.

Pick up and...


My New Favorite Season...

Our yard gets destroyed by a torrential downpour of leaves every fall, but how can I be upset when the colors are so vibrant and gorgeous? I can curse the leaves or I can hire someone to blow them bi-weekly and enjoy their colors knowing I don't have to add them to my to-do list.

Every few days for 3 months this is my front yard...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

The obnoxious front yard, however, is complemented by our beautiful street!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Argenals in Action!

So since my husband is going to be gone almost EVERY night this week... Tuesday (recruiting), Wednesday and Thursday (game vs. Stanislaus -GO WILDCATS) Friday and Saturday (Scouting)...the rest of the family decided to come to work with Dad! We traveled with Dad to Yuba City College last night to look at a player and Bo was a PERFECT wingman. This picture below is priceless, "Um, Dad, I'm not sure he's quite athletic enough. I think Mom could take him."

Monday, November 15, 2010


We have been entertaining our giggly child with Peek-a-Bo (yes, Bo!) since he was a tiny infant. It was the best way for us to get those first infant smiles that light up your life. Then when he started laughing out loud, we'd do it over and over just to hear that infectious baby-belly laugh. Now when Momma isn't paying any attention, Bo knows how to get it: by just being silent. Bo is so loud, pretty much all the time (obviously, he got that trait from Dad) that when he's silent, it's an automatic attention getter. So I look over to my right and he's hiding..."Where's Bo?"

"There he is!!!" Bo then begins laughing hysterically until he falls forward. Repeat...Repeat...Repeat, etc.,...etc.,...etc.,...Repeat...Repeat.

I could seriously play that game with him all night...ok, that's a blatant lie. After about 10 times, I start losing my hair. But it's still one of the BEST games in the world if you are needing some de-stressing baby(ish) laughter. Peek-a-Boo NEVER gets old in the Argenal household. My car keys play it with me almost every morning.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Surprise for Pops!

Poppa Turner had MANY early birthday surprises in the form of Turners and Argenals! We drove up to beautiful McCloud for the day and surprised him with a visit; Natalie was the special Manhattan treat! He welcomed us with that huge grin and open arms and gave us the full McCloud tour! The views are breathtaking and McCloud is a charming town worth a quick stop if you are driving up to Oregon. Mount Shasta is truly breathetaking...and so is the cold air. Brrrrrr. Solar-powered Turner's have a hard time with any temp below 79 degrees.

Auntie Natalie had Bo in fits all weekend! Peek-a-Bo with a bright, blue chair outside a gallery was perfect for my camera to catch Bo-Bo smiles!

For anyone that knows Henry Turner, they would say that he is a child whisperer! My Dad is hands-down AMAZING with kids and they easily warm up to him. He would truly play with us anytime, anyplace when we were kids, and Bo took advantage of that same LOVE all day!

Turners are Normal.

I miss you both already! Oh, how I wish Manhattan and McCloud were in Chico. XOXO!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Night-vision in Ripon!

The Argenals, sans Bo, spent a HILARIOUS, ENTERTAINING, and overall FANTASTIC night with the Sweetens of Ripon! Grandma Noreen babysat lil Bo and the parents EMBRACED a night out. Let's just say, Night-vision goggles, hot-tub sobriety checks, and fencepost balancing acts (Josh, SWAT is lucky to have you!) kept me sane and gave me JUST what the Dr. ordered after a really grinding week at work! Plus, Gus is about to start the 2010 Wildcats season and our weekends will soon consist of last second shots and anxiety attacks. : ) Thanks Janie and Josh for a much needed Adults-only R&R!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bo Knows...

Ok, so he isn't quite Bo Jackson yet, but our enthusiastic child is obsessed with footballs and basketballs right now. He screams, he jumps, he does circles and he yells "hut-hut" as soon as he sees a football game on tv...even if it's the Raiders.

He also loves visiting Daddy at practice after I get home from work and Coach Clink doesn't mind the screaming fan. Bo can't say "basketball" clearly yet, but he screams "Baaaaattttballll" when the whole gym is silent (shocker, he says awkward things at awkward times...beware of genetics). Today, he actually attempted to shoot at the big basket and the ball literally flew about 10 inches above his head. We need to work on his form, but his passion is unparalled.

Venturing into Blogdom...

This is only a test...well, with good intentions I will try to make it a habit. But yes, it's true, sometimes I would rather watch Entourage (rent it!) with Gus and a nice glass of Vino Blanco after Bo is asleep, but alas, here I am attempting to blog!

So yesterday was Bo's first real Halloween where he wasn't drooling, giggling, and sleeping the entire day and he was in a somber mood. Could it be that my child already has a keen sense of style and was thoroughly embarrassed to be seen as a hefty Emperor?

We walked with our little pouty, Exotic, Eastern Prince to downtown Chico where they have TREAT STREET every year for the kiddies. All the businesses pass out candy; it's kind of a Zoo, but Gus and I embraced it for Bo.

He was over it within 10 minutes and the only thing that kept him going was the local Pedicab Guy playing 80's pop on his boombox (only in Chico). Everytime Bo heard it coming he would freeze and then bounce to the beat in the middle of major pedestrian traffic. Clearly, this child is a victim of Turner genetics.

His favorite part was passing out candy to trick-or-treaters at our door. He even woke up this morning, grabbed some candy that was still laying on the floor from the night before, (don't judge me, Daddy was letting Bo throw the bowl in the air and candy flew everywhere) and with the candy bars in hand, he walked to the front door and waited. If he ONLY knew what candy tastes like...next year I'll have to pry it from those little giving fingers.