

Monday, November 1, 2010

Venturing into Blogdom...

This is only a test...well, with good intentions I will try to make it a habit. But yes, it's true, sometimes I would rather watch Entourage (rent it!) with Gus and a nice glass of Vino Blanco after Bo is asleep, but alas, here I am attempting to blog!

So yesterday was Bo's first real Halloween where he wasn't drooling, giggling, and sleeping the entire day and he was in a somber mood. Could it be that my child already has a keen sense of style and was thoroughly embarrassed to be seen as a hefty Emperor?

We walked with our little pouty, Exotic, Eastern Prince to downtown Chico where they have TREAT STREET every year for the kiddies. All the businesses pass out candy; it's kind of a Zoo, but Gus and I embraced it for Bo.

He was over it within 10 minutes and the only thing that kept him going was the local Pedicab Guy playing 80's pop on his boombox (only in Chico). Everytime Bo heard it coming he would freeze and then bounce to the beat in the middle of major pedestrian traffic. Clearly, this child is a victim of Turner genetics.

His favorite part was passing out candy to trick-or-treaters at our door. He even woke up this morning, grabbed some candy that was still laying on the floor from the night before, (don't judge me, Daddy was letting Bo throw the bowl in the air and candy flew everywhere) and with the candy bars in hand, he walked to the front door and waited. If he ONLY knew what candy tastes like...next year I'll have to pry it from those little giving fingers.


  1. Dying that bo woke up and ran to the door with candy! the sweetest! hahahaha

  2. This is really cool, thanks Hannah!!! Hopefully I will get to see you guys soon!!

  3. "embarrassed to be seen as a hefty Emperor?"LOL
    You are funny! Cutest costume ever-I love it!
