

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ace Arrives Early!!!

Ace was pretty much ready to arrive when we got to the hospital!

Unbearable pain? check!
So totally and unbelievably worth it? check!

It was just simply amazing, miraculous and sooooo, so special. Ace was in tip-top shape when he took his first breath, and I got to hold him right away which was doubly special because I didn’t get to experience that with Bo.  Bo arrived after 16 hours of labor barely breathing and stayed in Neonatal ICU all night; Ace arrived in 3 hours and was screaming at the top of his lungs as healthy as can be. There are very few moments in this life when we feel instant overwhelming love for another person, but Ace had us at that first squeal!


Just a few minutes old!!!!


Gus was absolutely smitten again! He was a fantastic labor coach except for the whole nearly fainting episode…he kept escaping to the bathroom during some of my WORST labor pains. Though I couldn’t talk during these fun contractions, I was honestly wanting to scream at him. When he came out the last time, he was drenched in sweat, dripping actually – he didn’t admit until later that he was almost blacking out. A doctor’s son, huh?  Truth is, the nurse said it’s so common for husbands who get woken up in them middle of the night, with no food for a few hours, to faint! Many of them get injured!!!

I’m not about to dress up as Rosie the Riveter and parade the streets screaming “GIRL POWER”, but when it comes to childbirth, all I can say is…WOMEN ARE FLIPPIN’ AMAAAAZZZZZING!


Mommy’s favorite BOY stopped by to well, eat some of her breakfast sausage. Yep, Bo’s the interest level in his baby bro was about a 2.5 out of 10. Lighting McQueen and hospital sausage were hovering up there in the 9’s.


But since we’ve been home, this little man has been mostly perfect (Bo did run one little 40-yard dash straight into Ace while he was nursing under the blanket). Bo is mostly sweet and cuddly with Ace when he’s not playing with monster trucks and racecars; so on average, it’s about 30 seconds a day that bonds with his brother. He does gets very concerned when Ace cries, or should I say shrieks like a howler monkey.  Yes, Ace might be part wild beast with that hair-raising cry-scream. SO FUN.


So far it’s been a smooth transition to a family of four because Ace is a SLEEPING machine. Bo stills naps about 3 hours a day, so I get my daily nap in as well. Of course, Gus, has been the most AMAZING Mr. Mom ever…and thankfully the fainting spells have past for now.

8:23am, 7lbs, 12oz; 20 inches
Almost 2 weeks early…what a thoughtful lil’ guy


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, Han! I love 'hearing' the happiness as you talk about Ace's arrival. So special. You are a wonderful Mum-to-Two! I hope that I get to see those sweet boys at some point! Congratulations again!
