

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Polar Express vs. Abominable Snow Man

How many of you have read the DARLING book, The Polar Express, and then felt cheated when you saw the somewhat creepy cartoon/movie adaptation with Tom Hanks? Bo apparently LOVES CGI effects, because we watched it every single day for a solid two-weeks leading up to Christmas. Thank goodness for DVR.

Watching it over and over was somewhat torturous at times, but Bo’s imagination brought the Polar Express TO LIFE in our house and that part of it was truly magical.


Grandma’s Lionel train set, our couch, our bed…EVERYTHING became the Polar Express. I even printed out the Polar Express tickets online (Google rocks! and yes, I’m a Junkie for this kid’s imagination) and he used them to board his couch train along with the boy in the movie. He’s a method actor.


The day we stumbled upon the real POLAR EXPRESS in Old Town? Bo had me literally jumping up and down when we found it! Yeah, I am that parent that goes CRAZY for instilling Christmas spirit in her kids. But, it is SO MUCH FUN! Christmas literally takes on a whole new life when you have a toddler.


All that being said, it’s January 5th and Christmas and the Polar Express are distant memories, yet he is still talking about the Abominable Snow Man from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. When he saw this picture below of Dad and the Bumble, he starting running around the room pretending like he was punching it. Yes, it’s a love/hate relationship with this Bumble. It scares him to tears, yet he CAN’T stop himself from obsessing over this poor creature who gets his teeth pulled out by Hermie, the misfit elf. Oh, the madness.


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