

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Attack of the Mall Bunny…

I had to copy my friend’s blog page and post Bo’s belated “Mall Bunny” pic as well. My only question: why oh why must this bunny look so deranged? Does it have rabies? How hard is it to make a mall bunny cute?!

Though Bo definitely looks afraid in this pic, he actually LOVED this bunny and cried in line because he had to wait, not because the rabid bunny was foaming at the mouth. If you are shaking you head in disagreement, let me confirm this photo is much easier to digest than the life-size “Lagomorph” –A rabbit is not a “rodent,” apparently, because I just googled it.

bo easter

That silly smile he is wearing is from pure bunny admiration. He didn’t want to get off the bunny’s lap! It was a scene. As my friend Colleen says, “The Mall Easter Bunny is a right of passage!”


  1. Fuzzy freaks these bunnies are!!!! Bo's face is awesome - I laughed out loud.

  2. You are so funny! The mall bunny is pretty freaky looking though.
