

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trains, Rain and Romance!

Grandma Noreen gave us the amazing gift of an adult-only weekend to celebrate our five year anniversary, so while we waited for Gram, we got to spend an amazing Friday afternoon at the Train Museum with Bo!  Let’s just say Bo is CUCKOO for CHOO-CHOOS!


The museum is $9 per adult (kind of expensive!?) and free for Bo, but totally worth it! He loved seeing all the huge engines and of course, the Toy Train exhibit upstairs! It was Thomas the Train HEAVEN!


After Grandma picked up Bo, Gus and I headed to the Sheraton in downtown Sacramento for a weekend without total Bo domination: we get to stay at restaurants as long as we want, sleep in as late as we want and choose to do NOTHING all day if we want.  Our first date to Mikuni was deliciously perfect and our room had an AMAZING View of downtown!



But truth be told, we still only “slept-in” until 7:30am, and didn’t do any late-night bar-hopping, because, let’s be honest, it really was more like a trio with this little guy hanging around…IMG_5152

Sadly, we couldn’t lounge by the pool all day like I originally planned, or even go on a romantic Saturday walk because of the WIND and CHILLY RAIN (it’s May, right?)! Nonetheless, we still had an amazing time, just the two (ok, 2.5) of us, and I feel so blessed to be so happy, so in love with my husband, and so completely content with our simple little life five years after our “I do’s”!!!

Plus, and we got to go to the movies, and I overdosed on popcorn and junior mints…YES, this is FUN, pregnant or not.


  1. Yes. Train Museum does not disappoint. I have taken the kids I babysit 2X. So. Much. Fun.

  2. Wahooo!! Happy 5 year Anniversary - your trip looks like a lot of fun and what a treat to sleep in (even if its 7:30) You look amazing Hannah, love all the pictures of your fam!
