

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nesting for Ace

Since we know Momma will definitely be nesting and doing a million projects to get ready for Ace, she thought she’d utilize her little enthusiastic helper to paint!

First, Bo diligently washed the changing table and even wore himself out -note the last pic where he is literally scrubbing the side while resting on his back. SUCH HARD WORK…



Then comes the paint…


I honestly don’t have one messy painting pic to post, because he was pretty much diligently focused for several hours and quite the little perfectionist painter! He loved saying it was for “Ace” and singing his “choo-choo soul” song while he worked!


Can this lil’ cheeser get any sweeter? He is soooo excited for his little brother, and I can’t wait to remind him of that over and over when Ace drools on, spits-up on and diligently breaks Bo’s prized possessions on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I can't get over the bottom photo of Bo on his back. What a great helper. So fun to see you guys, even though it was only for a few minutes. :)
